Sunday, May 24, 2009

We are here!

Yes, it's true -- we are here! I am typing this from my room on the 3rd floor of Jerusalem University College, and I am so excited to be here and to take it all in. And I'm also SO tired. I don't have much time here before I crash, but here's a brief run-down of what has transpired for us in the last couple days.

First, we packed and loaded the vans. Everyone was full of anticipation. There was even a pre-trip dance party on the lawn of Blanchard! (yes, that's true, and no, it's probably not what you're thinking.

We made it to O'Hare just fine and then embarked on a very long flight to Zurich, Switzerland, where we had a 10+ hour layover. I don't sleep well on flights at all, and this trip was no exception. However, I found a second wind and after splitting into groups (nobody goes out alone!) we spread out all over Zurich to explore this historic and beautiful city.

Among our Wheatie activities (not all done by me): strolling along the riverside, exploring back alleys for fun cafes, strolling the lakeshore (Zurich lake is quite huge), renting paddleboats, finding shade, taking trains into the countryside, climbing church towers for panoramic views (see above!) and even spotting off in the hazy distance across the lake the Alps! We reconvened for dinner at the airport and then took our final leg to Israel. This was another over-nighter, such that we landed about 4am local time. Some students have managed to sleep a bit on the flights, but I think I've totaled 6 total hours of sleep over the past 3 nights combined! Hopefully that will soon change.

We were met by some fine folks from JUC at the airport, then we all piled into a bus and drove up and up and up into the hill country toward Jerusalem. The benefit of driving at that crazy early hour of the morning is that there is virtually nobody around and you have the rare and rewarding experience of entering Jerusalem just before sunrise and having it all to yourself! I couldn't help but hear a stream of "Ooh's" and "Aaah's" coming from behind me all over the bus. I must say I joined in too. We drove into Jerusalem as far as we could toward JUC, stopping only when the towering stone walls of the Old City of Jerusalem came into view right in front of us. We were told that the final street was too tight for the bus so we'd have to carry our luggage the last quarter of a mile up the hill. This is a pic I snapped as our students were crossing the street, with the masonry walls looming overhead.

Can you believe it! We're really here! I now get my sweet reward of a few hours rest, before lunch and then our first exploration this afternoon. Our on-site professor here, Paul Wright, will lead us on a walking tour of the Old City, passing through the Via Dolorosa and culminating in a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre! Today! I will say more about our welcome surroundings here at JUC in a future post, as well as say more about our coming day's adventures. Until then, thank you for praying for all of us, and please keep lifting us up. We are ready to become learners.

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