Friday, May 22, 2009

Tomorrow we are Canaan Bound

One of my absolute favorite songs in the whole world is a hauntingly beautiful tune by Andrew Peterson entitled "Canaan Bound." Tonight in a time of prayer and reflection, I had the privilege of playing the song for the gathered students. The lyrics are powerful -- they have at times brought tears to my eyes. I print them here in their entirety, because they are worth reading:

* * * * * * *
Sarah, take me by my arm
Tomorrow we are Canaan bound
Where westward sails the golden sun
And Hebron's hills are amber crowned

So bid your troubled heart be still
The grass, they say, is soft and green
The trees are tall and honey-filled
So, Sarah, come and walk with me

Like the stars across the heavens flung
Like water in the desert sprung
Like the grains of sand, our many sons
Oh, Sarah, fair and barren one
Come to Canaan, come

I trembled at the voice of God
A voice of love and thunder deep
With love He means to save us all
And Love has chosen you and me

Long after we are dead and gone
A thousand years our tale be sung
How faith compelled and bore us on
How barren Sarah bore a son
So come to Canaan, come

Where westward sails the golden sun
And Hebron's hills are amber crowned
Oh, Sarah, take me by my arm
Tomorrow we are Canaan Bound

* * * * *
With a start, I realized tonight in the gathering that it was actually TRUE for us!
Tomorrow we are Canaan bound.


  1. Mark, that song has always affected me the same way. Enjoy your journey!

  2. Just want to express tremendous thanks for these wonderfully insightful blogs. I had the privilege to visit Israel 10 years ago and am so excited for my son - and all these collegians - to walk where our Lord and the patriarchs walked. Will be following you with prayers and the encouragement to take in all the tremendous insights in store for you as you put the land and the Bible together.

  3. What tremendous lyrics! Peterson is such a gift to Christian music.

    Rock it out in Canaan, Thorne.
