Monday, May 25, 2009

First Impressions

One day down! Yesterday was our first day in Jerusalem, and it was a fairly overwhelming experience for the senses and indeed one's sense of history. I don't have much time, as our group leaves in about ten minutes, so here's some scattered first impressions:

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Yesterday we walked around the Old City all over. There are 4 "quarters" to the walled Old City: Christian, Armenian, Jewish, and Muslim. They all have their own churches and mosques and synagogues competing for the same precious plots of holy ground. SUCH a mixture of peoples all on top of each other. It is also true that the quarters retain their own distinct architecture and culture, and predominant people as well. We ended with a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which was built over many centuries and is supposed to encompass the various places where Jesus was crucifed and buried and resurrected. Whoah! That's a lot for one church to commemorate! Nobody knows with certainty where the crucifixion and burial took place, but there is a very high likelihood that the ground the church occupies is at least within a hundred yards or so where they happened! It's such a large thought to think about, I'm not quite sure what to do with all of it ... so I feel both overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time, if that makes any kind of sense.

Here you see a picture from inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the dome above the supposed burial chamber of Jesus.

But I saw the place where they say the cross stood and where they say the tomb was. We didn't spend the time to wait in the long line to actually go inside -- we'll do that in a few days we're told. One thing that does make sense instantly to a visitor is how absolutely hilly everything is. Wow. Not handicap accessible like pretty much anywhere. We will all get workouts every day I think. :-)

I close with a picture taken from a vantage point looking out toward the Temple area, now dominated by the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Western Wall (aka "Wailing Wall") is down at the foot of the mount. If you don't know the full details about the Western Wall, read this. This place is important. Jerusalem -- the Holy City -- is where the monotheistic faiths of the world collide. I'll let it speak for itself.

Off now for another day in the Old City! Today will be a look at certain Old Testament sites -- and we've even heard rumor of an underground tunnel complete with water we have to wade through! Check back for more...

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