Thursday, June 11, 2009

Off to Istanbul!

Well friends, Wheaton in the Holy Lands is about to leave the Holy Lands. To go to other Holy Lands. That's right, we're finishing our last day in Israel here at JUC in Jerusalem (can you believe that our almost-3 weeks in Israel is already done?!) and packing up feverishly for our 6:30 am bus ride out to the airport. Our next destination: Istanbul, Turkey!

Yes, I know, it's not Constantinople. I've heard. :-)

Since I don't know when I'll have internet again, here's our very rough schedule for the next few days:
Friday - travel to Istanbul, orientation
Saturday - main sights in Istanbul, interview with Greek Patriarchate (rather important)
Sunday - worship with small evangelical congregation
At some point, we head out to Izmir as a base to see sights like Ephesus and other places like that. There is some confusion whether we head out on Sunday or Monday, but I'll try to provide quick updates about things. I rarely have time for the detailed daily posts I had been doing, but as time allows I'll provide you insight into our days here and there.

And now, "To bed, to bed!"

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