Monday, June 1, 2009

Down to the Land of Dixie

Well, okay, that's not quite true, but we are headed for the South! Of Israel, that is.
Loyal readers, in about 20 minutes we're starting our first multi-night trip within Israel, and we're told that we won't have internet access where we're going, so you won't find any more blog updates from me until Thursday or (more likely) Friday. And I'm already 3 days behind or so, so that will put me 6 days behind, which means that all of you fine people may get one or two posts to cover those days instead of one detailed post per day. But that's okay.

Here's our itinerary for those who want to follow along on Google Maps or an Israel map.

Tuesday: Sites southward within Judea; Ashkelon (where some fellow Wheaton students and a prof are conducting an archaeological dig, that will be fun to reconnect since one of them is my former Greek student), along with a swim in the Mediterranean!; stay overnight at a youth hostel in Arad

Wednesday: Study sites over to Beer-Sheva and other places in the Negev; down to Mizpe Ramon and the (completely sun-scorched and heat-blasted) Wilderness of Zin [this will be pretty remote and H O T]; overnight at Arad

Thursday: more time in the (H O T) wilderness in the southlands; up to the Dead Sea, where we'll swim in the crazy water at the lowest point on earth; climb up to the dizzying heights of Masada; Ein Gedi; area around Qumran where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls; back to Jerusalem and our accustomed beds

That's it! I bought last night in the Armenian Quarter a new hat with a wider brim to shield my neck from sunburn (it says "Australian style" underneath, so you know it's of highest quality), and some silver sunglasses. As Garrett said when I was trying them on: "Yeah, Silver Surfer baby!" It's quite the outfit for hitting the wilderness.

Talk to you in a few days!

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