Friday, June 26, 2009

The Mission

One of the guiding strategies behind this part of our Holy Lands trip is to retrace Paul's footsteps on his 2nd and 3rd missionary journies wherever possible. The other day, right after we had visited Philippi, and Berea, and Dion (where Paul possibly set sail for Athens), I was sitting in the front of the bus watching the landscapes just roll by, and I began contemplating how these lands were the same that Paul crossed, and then others after him, and then the very first churches grew up in, and then passed the flame of the gospel on to others, and then to others, and they moved on to other lands beyond Greece, and then on to other lands, and eventually to northern Europe, and then on to the new lands of America, and someone passed it on to my great grandparents, and then to my grandfather and then to my parents and then to me -- and here we are representatives of Wheaton College coming back to the same lands where the fire of the Gospel first sputtered to a bright flame amidst the Gentiles.


It made me think of this great song, and I want to share it with all of you. Listen to it and think about the power of the Good News of Jesus Christ, come to save the lost and bring a new hope, come to make all things NEW!

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