Thursday, July 2, 2009

Roma Roma Roma!

What happened to Wheaton in the Holy Lands? No internet access the past few days, that is what happened. Rest assured, however, we are all fine. And we are in Rome! It is beautiful here, and though we are all very tired after such a long and stimulating set of travels, what a splendid way to wrap up our trip. I am typing this in an internet cafe, so I will make this really short, but I wanted everyone to know that we are here and in two short days will be flying back home to the good ol' U. S. of A! Many students have already been discussing which favorite restaurant we'll each want to go to first, etc. I have to admit that I too am looking forward to the familiarity of home. And my own bed!

Today we visited the Vatican and were VERY impressed. Wow. (I've visited it before, and I was still impressed all over again!) St. Peter's is amazing. Nothing like it in the world. Tonight the students all had their final exam, and afterwards were high-fiving each other and most decided to celebrate their "beginning of summer" :-) by going out to buy some delicious gelato. Mmmmm...
Tomorrow we have a free day, and I think I'll try to see some catacombs. Oh, time is up here , so I have to leave. Home soon...

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