Thursday, May 21, 2009

Winding down on campus

Our week on campus is nearing its end, as formal classes here end tomorrow (Friday). To give you a taste of what it's been like, here is a picture of what we've been doing a lot this week -- sitting in class!

In this particular image Dr. Lauber is giving us a basic introduction to Roman Catholicism. Each day one of the BITH professors comes in and gives a 3-hour crash course lecture on a topic of historical, theological, or Bible-textual significance to our trip. This happens twice a day, one before lunch and then another afterwards. This has been a great time to stretch our comfort zones -- and this afternoon (Thurs) I even got the treat of translating for the class an ancient Roman tombstone in Latin! May it be the first of many. :-)

The students have been keeping busy outside of class time in a variety of ways. Some are scrambling to finish their map projects before we leave, some take advantage of the sunny, peaceful lawn in front of Blanchard, others have been organizing games of ultimate frisbee and soccer in the evenings, and everyone in general is getting more and more excited for our trip! Only about 40 hours away! Meal times have been a great time for getting acquainted. I even think I've got almost all of their names down by now. (sorry Brendan about today, I'll get it don't worry :-)

Friday night we will be having a group time of reflection and prayer as we dedicate these next 6 weeks for God's glory. Please join us in praying that we will remember to put each other before ourselves, love each other, rejoice in the blessing of sharing these adventures, and especially that God will use these next weeks to mould each of us more into His image.

I might find time to give a last Wheaton-side update before we leave on Saturday, but if not -- see you in Israel (after a sure-to-be-adventuresome 12 hour layover in Zurich)!

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